Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Trascerros – They Just Kept Coming.

Close to 400 people were already at the school in Trascerros when we arrived this morning. They were lined up at the entrance all the way up the street and around the corner!

Click here to see I mean.

By the end of the day, we literally touched 751 lives in very tangible ways. We ran out of many of the medicines that we brought because of the record crowd. However, loving hugs, heart-felt prayers, gentle touches, kind words, warm handshakes, mischievous tickles, comforting pats, tender smiles, and knowing nods were dispensed generously. We never ran out. These genuine, Christ-like gestures impacted lives in ways that cannot be measured by counts or with scales.

Tomorrow we will serve the family and neighbors of the Tree of Life and Plan Escalon community on what will be our last clinic days. Then, our journey home will begin with an overnight stop in San Pedro Sula followed by a day of relaxation together on Thursday.

The health of several team members has improved (Cipro is a miracle drug). Thank you so much for your faithfulness. It is so obvious that your prayers are being answered.

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