Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Day 7 - Friday 3/25/16

Day 7 - Friday 3/25/16

Good Friday is a HUGE holiday in Honduras with many "holy day" celebrations. Perhaps the most famous are the street paintings in the city of Comayagua.

We spent the morning walking through the streets of Comayagua with thousands of other tourists marveling at the artistry and brilliant colors.

The primary medium is dyed sawdust.  Other natural products were used including flowers, rice, and even eggs.

We finished our tour of the artwork in the city's central square in front of a 450 year old Catholic church.

After untold hours of preparation and work, the beautiful displays blew away in the wind.

We stopped by the farm of Letsbi's parents near the town of La Paz for a refreshing treat and relaxing afternoon just visiting in the shade.  We're back in Cofradia, now, packing up and preparing for our return home in the morning.  It has been a marvelous week.  I asked the team to sum up their experience in one sentence. Almost simultaneously I heard…

"It was amazing!"
"It was a blessing!"
"It was fun!"
"It was good!"

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