Tuesday, January 24, 2017

LIve! From Cofradia, Honduras

I'm trying something new today.  I posted a live video on Facebook that did a very quick walk through of our clinic today here in Cofradia.  I think this video will do a much better job showing you what a clinic site looks like than my words could ever convey!

This video was taken near the end of our day.  In all, we saw about 375 patients today.

Prayers are still needed for the health of our team.  One of our medical staff was very sick last night.  She is better today, but still needs to regain her strength.

Tomorrow we will be going to a new site for Luke 9:2 Ministries.  The site is near the dump in Tegucigalpa and is a very poor area.  We are expecting to see a lot of patients tomorrow.  Pray for stamina and strength.  And if this video post works well, then you can expect to see more like it tomorrow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LIVE on Facebook! 223 Views at the point I tuned in. Congratulations on the tour, it was really great to get to wander around and see what's going on from start to finish. Hey, if this LIVE Video thing takes off, I know a TV station in Alabama that's hiring!
But seriously... so excited to see you are all going to a new area tomorrow. Prayers for Strength and Stamina. Got it! Keep on going strong!